Data: CTAP, echo (RV function), LE dopplers, EKG, troponin/NT-proBNP, lactate
Labs: Troponin/NT-proBNP, CBC, CMP, coags
Imaging: echo for RV function; can consider LE dopplers
Monitoring: continuous telemetry and pulse oxy
Oxygen: goal >92%; HFNC is needed, best to avoid PPV if c/f right heart strain
If unstable or renal insufficiency, start wtith UFH bolus/drip
Goal to start DOAC > LMWH once stabilized with plan to treat for 3-6 months if provoked or indefinitely if unprovoked or an irreversible VTE risk factor
Apixaban 10mg BID for 7 days followed by 5mg BID
Rivaroxaban 15mg BID for 21 days followed by 20mg daily with dinner
Fluid: can begin with 500cc bolus if e/o hypotension, careful not to overload RV
Pressor: if needed, often start with norepinephrine
Advanced Therapies:
Intermediate-high: Consider catheter intervention after 24-48h if no improvement
High-risk: discuss systemic lysis, catheter interventions, thrombectomy, and VA-ECMO